We are always looking for help to move the project forward!
If you would like to become a volunteer, please email us at manitobatrailsproject(at)gmail.com. Some volunteer positions are listed below, but if you have other ways to contribute, please let us know!
Graphic Designer:
DUTIES: to create a promotional poster for the project, which will be placed in various places across Manitoba.
REQUIRED SKILLS: Experience in graphic design and using production software such as publisher, indesign, photoshop, illustrator, gimp or inkscape.
Logo Designer:
DUTIES: Design an awesome logo for the project. ability to digitize the logo (in illustrator/photoshop/etc) is even better!
Website administrator:
DUTIES: Ongoing maintenance and updating of the project's webpage
REQUIRED SKILLS: Experience working with WordPress, including adding pages, photos and blogposts.
Programmer - Javascript/Google Maps API
DUTIES: Ongoing improvement of the interactive trail map. Ideas for improvement are welcomed, but would likely include the ability to filter trails
REQUIRED SKILLS: Experience working with WordPress, Javascript, Google Maps API